Apparently, writing “Views are my own” on your Twitter profile won’t save your job, in case you decide to voice opinions that your employer strongly disagrees with. This does not usually apply to baristas expressing a political preference, but it may apply to journalists making racist comments or civil servants divulging classified information. In the case of this blog, views really are my own and guess what, I will not lose my job, whatever I say, because I do not have an employer, as such.
I may lose clients, of course, which is every freelancer’s worst nightmare, but the point of this blog, as you will shortly see, is not to attract the sort of client that will be put off by the views and occasional rants of an opinionated marketer. Well, among other things. To an extent, this is a mere output of thoughts on marketing, working, freelancing and storytelling that I feel do not belong to the fickle realm of social media and are much more suited to a proper blog – which, as we all know, is carved in stone.
Welcome to my blog.
Have fun.